The Earth and EnTanglements (2023)
Agata studied podoconiosis, a disabling illness of lower limbs, caused by direct and prolong exposure to volcanic soils. In her research she discovered that clay particles where found in people’s feet.
The ceramic vessels are made with use of kaolin (china clay).
In my explorations I learnt that kaolin mineral is found inside the macrophages and lymph nodes of people affected by podoconiosis, I discover that this mineral is in the makeup of the volcanic soils, as well as being a product of the weathering of basalt’s primary minerals. Fascinated by time scales and chances, I created small clay objects. The vessels, which are all individual with their own characteristics rely entirely on a material sensibility and emerge from a multitude of theoretical contexts, global histories, and personal experiences.I am interested in the kaolin mineral that is found in people’s feet.
As a ceramicist I know kaolin as the main ingredient of porcelain clay. It is a very white material, with a sense of purity when fired. I wonder how this ‘clean’ appearing material corresponds to the rawness of black or red soils?
The colour of volcanic soil depends on the weather and drainage. More rain and better drainage means that the soil is red. With moderate rain and poor drainage the soil becomes black. I am become aware of the porosity of the environment.