One Percent (2020)

Gathering of 3200 carefully hand-made porcelain round discs, each representing an individual experiencing homelessness. The three panels represent one percent of the people who were homeless in the UK in 2018, according to Shelter research.

One Percent, 2020. Porcelain discs on board. Size 240x 300cm

Agata has been working with the homeless charity Crisis since 2019, initially as a volunteer, and later as both an artist and a ceramic tutor. She felt a strong urge to address increasing number of individuals experiencing homelessness in the UK and to represent each person as an individual rather than just a statistic. She writes

According to Shelter, there were 320,000 homeless people in the UK in 2018. This figure varies from official statistics, as individuals staying in tents or sleeping on benches in an upright position may not be counted as homeless. There is a significant stigma surrounding homelessness and the reasons why people become or are homeless. I have had the opportunity to meet and work with some fantastic individuals who have experienced homelessness. With this work I hoped to express my view that each person is very special and unique.


Axum Figures 2020 (2021)


Ceramic Garden. Artist led Community Project (2019)